Black Metal

Black Metal

A graphically stunning and gameplay wise smooth playing shoot em up, designed for mobile phone gameplay it will blow your mind!

In the year 2304 an outer space mercenary takes on contracts to destroy alien threats. You take on the role of the mercenary and head into the outer corners of space destroying the alien attackers and find the alien masterminds behind them. Black Metal is a side scrolling shoot em up with all the classic features: carnage, mayhem and big ass end of world bosses. The game contains jaw dropping graphics, smooth gameplay and a classic game feeling it should be jumping out of your phone soon.


  • State of the art detailed graphics
  • 17+ huge levels giving you hours of playtime
  • 4 Different worlds with their own unique aliens
  • An extra bonus world: Tooncaves
  • Fully animated backgrounds
  • Big end of world bosses
  • Upgradable weapons
  • Special Megablast weapon
  • Unlockable worlds
  • Handy-continue play mode saves your progress for your next play moment
  • High score saving
  • Easy to learn hard to put away gameplay

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