Meganoid is alive

Meganoid is alive

So another week with all my time put into the Meganoid reboot (still thinking about the name.. Meganoid reboot.. Meganoid 2017.. not sure yet).

Right now we actually have a fun playable game, I added the third environment (world) to the game, and improved various graphics and lighting on the first two worlds.   While I type this, the mailing list is processing the newsletter, and this time it comes with an exclusive video (only to subscribers) showing some of the gameplay.. So check your mailbox the coming hours, or sign up now if you haven’t yet!

There’s now a replicator added to the game, you can use your collected diamonds there to replicate a host of gadgets. Bringing us to the gadgets which I added so far:  red,green and blue keycards, detonators, zapper gun, jetpack, life-container and a portable EMP.

The keycards can be used at specific devices spread across the game. I wanted such devices and keycards, but I had no clue on what the devices would actually do. But this week I changed some things and all pieces fell into place.  The red key device revives your lives to maximum health. The blue device increases your maximum health, and the green device.. well, ok, that’s still a mystery, but I’m sure I’ll find some good use for it!

All in all, a very productive week!

So the “business plan” for this is that I complete Meganoid first, and at this pace I think aiming for a March release is very do-able. I’ve got clear goals for the game, and all the core gameplay is already there.  Then after it’s release I can focus back on Ashworld since it requires some polish and tweaking.

Working on Meganoid also gave me a bunch of idea’s on how I could do a really cool Gunslugs game.. so a Gunslugs 3 might actually happen sooner than I thought. Altho I’m not deaf, I hear all the cries for a Space Grunts 2, and it’s also at the top of my list!

okay, back to work!  unless you want to have a chat ? I’m now idling out on Orangepixel’s Discord server: if you wanna chat with friendly game loving people ;)

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