Achieving the implementation of the Meganoid achievements

Achieving the implementation of the Meganoid achievements

Can you smell it? It’s the smell of a game release nearing.

It feels so long since I released my last game, but in fact it was just last June when Heroes of Loot 2 hit the stores. Now I’m preparing the release of Meganoid which required me to do a ton of “less exciting” work on the game this week.

First I had to start coming up with achievements, which was done fairly quickly because of the many gameplay elements that Meganoid has. However, once that list is done, it requires me creating 512×512 pixel in both a colored and a black-and-white version, since the App-store and Steam have two options to show icons for uncompleted achievements (Google Play simply uses the same icon and renders it black’n’white and slightly translucent).

Once the icons are made I have to add all the achievements into the Google Play back-end, adding a title, description, the created icon, and setting the amount of XP points the achievement gives.  Then it’s doing the same on Steam, and finally putting that whole list on the App-store. It’s tedious work, but it has to be done!

Of course before I can even start adding achievements to the store page.. I actually have to create the store page! So this week I setup the Google Play, and Steam store pages. Which in turn means writing an interesting game-description, creating banner images in a bunch of different resolutions, and of course selecting a couple of good screenshots and then scale them to the various required sizes.

I still have the App-store left, but since that also requires a couple of specific video snippets, I kinda pushed it forward to either this weekend or next week.

The launch date is now set on March 30rd, and I was under the impression that was 2 weeks from now, but in fact it’s closer to 3 weeks.. so yay me! I have some extra time to do more testing and possibly add a few things left and right.

I also launched a pre-order discount for the PC version yesterday, so make sure to profit from that by pre-ordering here: It comes with a Steam key on release day (and you can also wishlist it on Steam right now!)

And finally, the official trailer is now released! With a cool voice over from McFunkyPants, check it out on the Meganoid website.

Meganoid has really come together FAST, it hasn’t even been 2 months of work, which was really something I needed to prove to myself I can still create awesome games in shorter turn-around times. Although I also can’t wait to return to Ashworld full-time and wrap up that one with some new idea’s and changes!

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