Sorry for skipping a week of updates, but I’ve been preparing for the first release version including Steam achievements, and taking care of a bunch of fixes and features that all need to be up and running before the game leaves Early-Access.
This means we got a nice list of important fixes, additions, and changes in this new build:
- fixed Dpad-right on various gamepads
- fix: “Craft” items now show up correctly in Codex
- fix: various small codex screen bugs
- fix: dog is more likely to pop-up again if you exit a home (and if dog was lost before)
- fix: tweaked car-controls
- fix: regrouped the mission types, and their icons (pop-up messages)
- fix: pause screen now has same interface as other screens
- fix: rare items in codex now unlocking correctly
- fix: hitting human/skelly enemies in buildings showed wrong images
- fix: gameover screen sometimes didn’t show “x to continue”
- added: creatures now also added to codex
- added: extra light effects to some buildings
- added: quick overview of main mission types now added to pause screen
- added: let it rain! (at the end of the game)
- added: sub mission for rare item book
- added: completion percentage (map or pause screen) – correct percentage calculation requires starting a new game
- added: sub mission for rare item: figurine
- added: sub mission for rare item: game console
- added: sub mission for rare item: phone
- added: sub mission for rare item: snowglobe
- added: credits screen
- added: character select to settings menu
- added: group of crafted item flashes in inventory screen after crafting
- balance: “hot” spawn zones now slowly expire over time after X spawns
- removed: ragebar, it has no real function anymore (replaced with completion-bar)
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Appstore “Game of the Day”
December 21, 2017