Version 0.6.0 is here, little later than I planned, but that’s mostly because this version comes with many changes to the interface elements. I decided to re-order the location of many of the different screens like the Merchant, Quests, Seeker, etc. This required a bunch of testing to make sure the game still looks good on all types of displays (and in both portrait and landscape mode).
I also added game-saving, it automatically saves, and you can load the game but once you die the save-game is deleted as with any proper rogue-like.
As always Patreon’s can update their PC beta through Itch, and iOS beta testers should receive an update email soonish. All feedback and other things you wanna talk about can be shared over at the Discord!
New things:
- add: save game – warning, might still be a bit buggy
- add: more variation in floor-scenery
- add: the Seeker NPC
Fixes and changes:
- fix: balance improved on altars+thrones+special items
- fix: improved interface layouts
- fix: thief and mermaid could appear out of debris
- fix: make card-names stand out more (shop, quest, etc)
- fix: add “rewards” to the Quest screen
- fix: the quest-start item you get isn’t shown per quest but for all 3 quest cards at once
- fix: shop an have duplicate items (at different price)
- fix: make Shop re-openable/buyable after closing
- fix: made more use of long(vertical) screen devices
- fix: treasure-chest keys should now be “equiped” before you can use them
- fix: interface placement and screen-usage for various screen sizes
- fix: hide player-stats on Backpack screen (pre-game anyway)
- fix: reposition status-bar on interface screens (bonus: avoiding iPhone notch!)