v2.0.0 – Neoteria Remastered 2018 version

v2.0.0 – Neoteria Remastered 2018 version

This one was a much requested game when I started doing these remastered versions, and luckily I also had it on my list! Neoteria was fully designed for touch-controls, so the whole menu interface needed a little work and I plugged in all the new things for changing volume on music and sound, setup resolution (pc) and keyboard, etc, MFI-gamepads, AndroidTV support, and all that nice stuff.

I also rewrote the touch-control code, there were three different options in the original one, and none of them felt good to me. So I made some improvements to the stick+fire button controls, and I think it works pretty well.. altho nothing beats playing this game with a d-pad.. so if you can: hook up a gamepad!

The game also runs at a slightly different speed: I slowed down the flying-movement through the level, and I gave the player a bit extra when flying at full speed.  The rest of the game remained the same.  This allows you a bit more time between waves, and everything feels a bit less hectic and more fair.

Update, re-Install or buy the game from the App store or Google Play (see links on the right –>)  Or by it for Windows, macOS or Linux here:

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