FINALLY the update is here! In all honesty, I should probably name this v0.99.0 or something, because I’ve put so much fixes and new stuff in this that it’s silly to see it as a minor update to v0.4.0..
But that’s how I rollllll, so that’s what it is! Doesn’t make the update any less !
This is, most likely, the final update before I do a public-beta! YAY! I’ve been working extremely hard on all the small details and things and making the game almost release-worthy (without being release-worthy).
So for now, grab the Patreon build if you are a Patron by following this link, or Wishlist the game and come hang out in to get a chance of playing the public-beta version which will hit sooner than you might think!
Full changes list.. take a breath, and GO:
- added: “stars” above taken-down bodies
- added: small player-talk note when putting on enemy outfit
- added: improved how console-keys / doors camera handing is done
- added: inventory now includes info on outfit wearing
- added: wishlist-item to menu
- added: Bombs are now items, instead of weapons. Possible to carry more of them
- added: item – Bombpack 5x
- added: item – Bombpack 10x
- added: item – Bombpack 20x
- added: new shop: Bombo – the bomb-selling shop (bulk bombs)
- added: Gamma preference to setting menu
- added: “retina-protected” doors – require a dragged-body to open
- added: some “elite force” guards around the general.. and make general a terrible shooter maybe?
- added: enemy bodies now function as shields when carrying them
- added: general-body is dropped when being shot at (general can’t die!)
- added: enemy bodies now drop when shot, instead of explode (that requires explosions, heavy bullets, etc)
- added: tanks to over-world
- added: new Mission type: Take-down Tanks
- added: little extra to the Heroes of Loot dungeon area
- added: new Soldier type: Robot-suited
- added: more hide-able opportunities inside and outdoors
- added: robot-suited enemies should stop working when hit by EMP
- added: “loading” bar before splash
- added: Voodoo item doesn’t do anything yet!! Revive fallen heroes with it
- added: throwing bombs while jumping gives extra thrust to the throw
- added: EMP’s can now be thrown and stay active for a while
- added: split up settings menu into groups (had too many options in some cases)
Fixes and changes:
- fixed: special shops (based on items) are now force-generated only once.
- fixed: add a delay on world-intro screen, so player can’t accidentally click through it
- fixed: amount of towers being generated was too low in most cases
- fixed: remove take-down chopper mission for now (until there’s a better way to take down chopper, that requires less luck)
- fixed: hack camera now fully resets security levels to no-alarm
- fixed: mission stats now only show at start of a new world (not during continues)
- fixed: coin-blocks are rendered wrong
- fixed: inventory isn’t properly reset between new games
- fixed: end-chopper screen shows objectives (already on screen in hud)
- fixed: having briefcase, can still spawn 2nd informant (mission is still active in 2nd tower)
- fixed: informant mission isn’t completed when entering chopper
- fixed: pressing A during slow-tick should “complete” slowtick, not close dialog
- fixed: briefcase still in hands after completing mission and redoing the world
- fixed: menu isn’t clearly readable.. add dialog box behind it?
- fixed: settings menu should look more like other interfaces
- fixed: switching players doesn’t keep track of foot-wear correctly
- fixed: lockers can spawn at spots of steam-exhausts
- fixed: consoles/computers can spawn on top of crates/barels.. looks silly
- fixed: console/vertical doors not functioning
- fixed: ghost helmets being thrown when picking up new helmet
- fixed: dizzy-stars not rendered at correct spot
- fixed: worldintro screen needs a “press X to continue” prompt
- fixed: Enemies can shoot while not being in alerted-state
- fixed: design a few levels for bomb-usage (and fix the level that already has room for it)
- fixed: redesigned interaction between soldiers and security-alarms
- fixed: Informants sometimes in awkward locations
- fixed: console-door doesn’t open if already in view of player (no camera takeover)
- fixed: higher worlds had less soldiers instead of more soldiers (oops!)
- fixed: enemy-chopper vanishing into thin air
- fixed: bombs shouldn’t kill enemies unless they explode (right now it feels more like a bowling-ball)
- fixed: dropped bodies to keep the right outfit
- fixed: changing fullscreen or resolution now more instant and correctly stored
- fixed: using pause/settings during animation areas messes up the game
- fixed: improve checks on fences and drop-cranes and the floor underneath
- fixed: mission info is shown while still in cinematic bars for the fly-in intro
- fixed: make level-templates more spacious.. too many platforms going on in some
- fixed: Mech Soldiers don’t “block” bullets coming from front.. looks weird
- fixed: level design bug with 2 platforms on-top of eachother
- fixed: Level-bug.. crates shouldn’t float in the floor
- fixed: add hangar-bay doors in buildings.. they open when building is in alert-mode – contain strong forces/robots/etc
- fixed: General changes into Hero outfit when carried out of building
- fixed: Melee doesn’t always hit enemy when literally at the same spot
- fixed: Can’t generate hangar doors in this template
- fixed: background cranes don’t reach the floor
- fixed: (rare) building with no C4 , still mentiones mission to place C4
- fixed: melee snap-towards enemy sometimes positions us on the right side (when both facing right)
- fixed: retina-door, position dragged body correctly in-front of it
- fixed: too much garlic!! should be a one-only item (same for mushroom + battery)
- fixed: floor underneath isn’t correct
- fixed: gave this template block more variation.. won’t be so noticeable anymore (was very aware of the returning pattern)
- fixed: can’t bomb my way in here.. whatsupwiththat!?
- fixed: show current HP for each character on pause and char-select screens
- fixed: steam-wheels sometimes placed on top of other stuff
- fixed: bombs roll out way too long
- fixed: barrels should ignore lasers
- fixed: cameras are now looking AT the wall, instead of avoiding that spot (it avoided the other side)
- fixed: bomb against a crate, crate goes white and berzerk with debris