Space Grunts 2 update v1.2.0: We now have Challenges !

Space Grunts 2 update v1.2.0: We now have Challenges !

This week I’ve put some time into adding more content in the shape of a new game-mode: Challenges. The challenge mode allows you to experience the game in a shorter and different way. There are currently 8 challenges added, the first one being “The Dark” where your visibility is a lot less than normal play, another challenge will have all the Tech cards removed from the deck, and a few other challenges.

Besides these challenges I also added a new alternate-route: Biodome, which will contain a new rare card: the Black rose.

And finally, for those good enough to actually beat the game, there are now perma-unlockable Buff cards. For every victory you get to unlock one of the 5 cards, and in all your next games you will be able to pick a single buff-card which will change your characters skills. It will also be possible to play Pure without any of the buffs active.

So that’s a lot of extra game this week!  Which is great, because it’s the last update before the holidays! :)

I’m also close to having a complete WIKI up for the game, so if you need any information on the cards, events, challenges or area’s then check it out here!

No new Space Grunts devlog, BUT I found it interesting to see where this whole project started and what I originally set out to create in the first part of the series:

Full changes list:

  • added: Challenge game mode (8 challenges)
  • added: perma-unlockable Buff cards
  • added: first 5 perma Buff cards: Adrenaline, Cardshark, Powercore, XP Chip, Crank
  • added: new alternate route: Biodome
  • added: new card: Black rose


  • fixed: some aliens can’t be killed (cybergon in most cases)
  • fixed: continue game doesn’t grab correct character name
  • fixed: red/blue keys not working/showing up when at a door

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