Ho ho ho! I managed to squeeze out one more tiny update this year! When I added the challenges last week I didn’t have a good idea on what type of reward the challenges should unlock… and now I do!
In this update you’ll find Trinkets, every challenge will unlock a new type of trinket, and once they are unlocked they will start appearing in your game. You can only carry one trinket at a time, and they will have some cool effects. Currently there are 8 trinkets in the game:
- Flashlight – more visibility in dark-areas
- Spider – spiderwebs won’t slow you down
- Metal-plate – randomly defends against hits
- Controller – Disables nearby level hazards (flamers, rockets, fires)
- Paperclip – Don’t need keycards to open doors
- Poker chip – +1 on deck when inventory is full during pickup
- Lucky card – your deck gets refilled when empty
- Bandaid – using level transport completely refills your HP
That should give you some good incentive to complete those challenges!
But.. that’s not all! I designed a few new level blocks / rooms / areas, so you’ll might find yourself wondering around some fresh level designs.. enjoy the holidays! :)
Full changes list:
- added: collection of new level-layouts for your adventures!
- added: Trinket rewards to challenges
- fixed: alien-codex information showed wrong names/data
- fixed: rare game crash when using idle card on small deck