Tech talk: How to create a node based mission screen

Tech talk: How to create a node based mission screen

This post is just to show you the code I talked about in the video: How to program a NODE BASED mission select screen. Make sure to check the video to see what’s going on and what the whole idea behind this code is!  I designed this code for the progress screen in Snake Core.

All this code is written in Java, but it doesn’t use a lot of java-specifics so should be easy to port to other languages.

So if you watched the video, let’s dive into the code:

First we have the mission node class, this is where we store the information about our node, but also screen-offsets:

public final static int maxStages=6;            // maximum of stages/levels (stage-0 is top)
public final static int maxNodesPerStage=5;     // maximum possible nodes for every stage

public class wgmission {
    public boolean inUse;

    // node connections map - we can connect to the 3 nodes below us, don't have to tho!
    public boolean[]  nodeConnect;

    // nodes in the map have little offset, to make it look interesting
    public int  missionNodeX;
    public int  missionNodeY;
    // setup our mission type and variables
    public int  missionType;
    public void init(int offsetX, int offsetY)
        nodeConnect=new boolean[maxNodesPerStage];
        for (int i=0;i<nodeConnect.length; i++)
    public void setNode(int myType)
    public void disable()

Now we initialise our mission-node array

        // setup our array of mission nodes
        missions=new wgmission[maxStages][maxNodesPerStage];
        // disable all nodes by default
        for (int i=0;i<maxStages; i++) {
            for (int j=0; j<maxNodesPerStage; j++) {
                missions[i][j]=new wgmission();

                // initialise, and give each node a "random" offset
                missions[i][j].init(getMyRandomValue(32)-16, getMyRandomValue(32)-16);
                // top-stage is our "end goals" so we give it a vertical offset to put it more above the rest
                if (i==0) missions[i][j].missionNodeY=-16;

and we start creating our random mission node:

        // generate random paths from end-boss to bottom
        int maxpath=4;      // amount of paths we create
        int nodeid;
        int currentnodeid;
        for (int pathid=maxpath; --pathid>=0;)
            // start at the center node
            nodeid= (maxNodesPerStage>>1);

            // set our starting node at the bottom of the stages.. so we always have 1 starting node to begin the game
            missions[maxStages-1][nodeid].setNode( Globals.modeDefend );
            // and by default connect all "second to last" nodes to that starting node at the bottom
            for (int i=0; i<maxNodesPerStage;i++)
            // start generating paths from the top stage down to the second-to-last stage
            for (int stage=0; stage<maxStages-1; stage++)
                // set this node's mission type
                missions[stage][nodeid].setNode( getMyRandomValue( Globals.modeMax ) );
                if (stage==0)
                    // make sure to find unique nodes in the 2nd stage for every path we create from this starting node
                    while (missions[stage+1][nodeid].inUse)
                        if (nodeid>(maxNodesPerStage>>1)+(maxpath>>1)) nodeid=(maxNodesPerStage>>1)-(pathid>>1);
                else if (nodeid==0 || (stage==0 && pathid>2))
                    // we're on left edge of the node map.. can only move straight down, or down+right
                    nodeid += getMyRandomValue(2);
                else if (nodeid==maxNodesPerStage-1 || (stage==0 && pathid<2))
                    // on right edge of the node map.. can only move straight down, or down+left
                    nodeid -= getMyRandomValue(2);
                    // pick random direction for our next node (so node-1, node+0, or node+1)
                    nodeid += getMyRandomValue(3) - 1;
                // connect current node to the new node we'll be making in stage below us

and finally we need to fix any cross-nodes (see video for explanation):

        // fix cross-nodes!
        // some nodes might form a crossing X  because they link to crossed nodes in the stage below.. let's fix those
        for (int stage=0; stage<maxStages-2; stage++)
            for (int nid=0; nid<maxNodesPerStage-1; nid++)
                if (missions[stage][nid].nodeConnect[nid+1] && missions[stage][nid+1].nodeConnect[nid])
                    // we cross with the node next to us.. first thing to fix: make sure we both link to the nodes below us!
                    // now decide to remove one or both of the cross nodes
                    if (getMyRandomValue(100)<15)
                        // we're resolving both cross nodes - removing the links to the nodes below+beside us
                    else if (getMyRandomValue(100)<50)
                        // just remove our cross-node (not the one from our neighbor node)
                        // just remove the cross-link from the neighbor node to the one below us
                    // cross-nodes for this node are now solved! - easy!

the last step is rendering it onto the screen, this is done using simple sprite drawing, and dots that make up the lines between nodes are also drawn using sprites.

        // render our missions
        // setup variables to render lines
        int dotCount;
        int tx2;
        int ty2;
        int dx;
        int dy;
        int addx;
        int addy;
        // set the max size available for a single nodes
        int nodeWidth=48;
        int nodeHeight=48;
        boolean pathTaken;
        // our location on the screen - centered 
        int tx=(Render.width>>1)-240;
        int ty=(Render.height>>1)-180;
        // start at top-node / top of screen
        for (int stage=0; stage<maxStages; stage++) { tx=(Render.width>>1)-((maxNodesPerStage-1)*(nodeWidth>>1));
            for (int nodeid=0; nodeid<maxNodesPerStage; nodeid++)
                if (missions[stage][nodeid].inUse)
                    // render connections to the 3 nodes below us
                    if (stage<maxStages-1)
                        for (int nodeconnect = 0; nodeconnect <=maxNodesPerStage; nodeconnect++) { if (nodeconnect >= 0 && nodeconnect = 0; )
                                    if (!pathTaken)
                                        Render.dest.set((tx2 >> 4) + 8, (ty2 >> 4) + 8, (tx2 >> 4) + 8 + 2, (ty2 >> 4) + 8 + 2);
                                        Render.src.set(544, 32, 544 + 4, 32 + 4);
                                        Render.drawBitmap(myCanvas.sprites[0], false);
                                        Render.dest.set((tx2 >> 4) + 8, (ty2 >> 4) + 8, (tx2 >> 4) + 8 + 2, (ty2 >> 4) + 8 + 2);
                                        Render.src.set(548, 32, 548 + 4, 32 + 4);
                                        Render.drawBitmap(myCanvas.sprites[0], false);
                                    tx2 += addx;
                                    ty2 += addy;
                    // render our node image
                    Render.src.set(560+(missions[stage][nodeid].missionType*16), 32, 560+16+(missions[stage][nodeid].missionType*16), 32+16);
                    // if node isn't unlocked-yet, render a shaded version on top to make it look darker
                    if (maxStageAvailable>stage)
                        Render.src.set(560+(missions[stage][nodeid].missionType*16), 48, 560+16+(missions[stage][nodeid].missionType*16), 48+16);
                    // add selection arrow for the currently selected node
                    if (nodeSelected==nodeid && stageSelected==stage)
                        Render.dest.set((tx2+8)-6, (ty2-14)+(arrowBounceY>>4),(tx2+8)+7,(ty2-14)+11+(arrowBounceY>>4));
                        Render.src.set(496,32, 496+13,32+11);
                        if (arrowBounceYSpeed<16) arrowBounceYSpeed+=2; arrowBounceY+=arrowBounceYSpeed; if (arrowBounceY>=0)

And that’s the code!

It’s a fairly simple solution for creating a node-based mission screen, but you can improve on this idea in various ways. I can imagine you could create a very big array of nodes and have the map expand in all directions making it a much more interesting looking map.

If you do anything interesting with the code, let me know!  Love to see how it’s used and evolves.

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