Space Grunts 2 update: v1.5.0: Bug fixes and Captain logs

Space Grunts 2 update: v1.5.0: Bug fixes and Captain logs

Hello Captains!  Guess I’m still not done pushing new stuff to this game.. I just enjoy it so much myself, so that does make it a lot easier to keep working on it. What also helps is the good feedback I’m getting from players and also see new players really getting into the game and talking about it on Discord !  So nice to see.

So this update comes with a few small improvements. I found a weird bug in the level-generator, which mostly popped-up during challenges where you would enter the boss-level and find yourself inside a dark void of nothings ness.. it looked cool, but wasn’t very practical !  Found the cause of it, and hopefully it was the only cause, so that it’s now fixed.

I also added all the Patrons, who were a Patron during the development of the game, to the credits of the game, thanks again people! And if you want your name in the credits AND support me AND get alpha/beta access to new games I’m working on, then check out the Patreon ;)

Finally, I added some more Captain log voice samples, now every area has it’s own samples. On the other end, I also had people requesting the option to turn off the voice sample (mostly due to restarting the game so often, that they got sick of it) … no hard feelings.. it’s just my voice .. BUT the option is added in the sound menu.  Altho I also added a little code that will simply not re-trigger the first level’s voice on every game session..  so that probably fixes without having to turn it off.

So the updates are still coming, altho a bit smaller than in the early development stages. Next weeks update is already in development, I just have to do some level designing around the new feature… stay tuned for that ;)

Full changes list:

  • added: option to Mute captains voice (see sound in setup menu)
  • added: Patron-names to the credits screen
  • added: More information through Captain logs at start of new areas

Fixes and changes:

  • fixed: Cap-log triggers less often (to not annoy players who don’t get far in the game yet)
  • fixed: bug in level generator causing player to end up in “the void” without a level
  • fixed: Flamer entity image in Codex


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