Simple update this week, a small set of new cards. I included a couple of passive cards (those you get when you grow a level in between levels) and the rest is a couple of weapons and two other interesting ideas I had.
I especially love the “Bag of Sand” and the “Random” cards as they spice up things nicely! Let me know what you think, and if you have great ideas for cards, don’t be shy and let me know!
While I have your attention, I made a fun little arcade game called Snake Core, and you can wishlist it here: which would really help me by the time it releases (more wishlists, often help boost visibility) so thanks in advance!
Full changes list:
- added: new item – Super-shocker – like shockwave but wider range
- added: new item – “Overheated” gun card – will do good damage, but you’ll drop some cards from your deck (due to hotness)
- added: new item – “Sandbag” the sand will blind your opponent. Turning their attacks into random hit and mostly miss.
- added: new item – “Random” when played turns into a random other card.
- added: new passive card: Fruity – all fruit will be healthy
- added: new passive card: Pillpop – sickness will not befall you!
- fixed: Updated the wiki with new aliens+cards info