Snake Core Update 1.6.0: Fixing some bad Math

Snake Core Update 1.6.0: Fixing some bad Math

Sometimes my math skills are just extremely lacking, and for some of you who completed all the Objectives, you might have noticed it didn’t say 100% done … oops!  Fixed in this update, and also fixed a few minor things that got mentioned a few times in the discord.

Aliens spawning near the transporter – should – now avoid spawning at an occupied location. This messed up the combo-scores a bit, as you would kill two aliens at once, and that would reset the combo counter. I also made the transporter a bit smarter when it backs it self into a corner or blockage by aliens and soldiers. It should be able to get it self out of that corner eventually.

Also RE-fixed the scientists dropping from a tentacle, they were still not positioned correctly on a “grid” tile, and that should be fixed now!

Full changes list:

  • fixed: objective-total percentage was incorrect
  • fixed: aliens spawning at same spot during transport (breaking combo’s)
  • fixed: transporter stopped moving when it gets blocked
  • fixed: scientist dropping from tentacles being “off-grid”
  • fixed: visual bonus calculations aren’t correct (actual calculations are)

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