Polish, tweak, polish, tweak, add, change,polish, tweak.. That’s pretty much my week! How was yours?! If you’re a kickstarter-backer, make sure to update your version of the game, because this week it finally happened: Your planet got named! – or at least for 99% of the “name your planet” tier backers (still missing 6 or 7 survey replies). So you can browse through the galaxy (options menu) and locate your planet!
A lot of areas of the gaming are now coming together, and with only a few weeks left on actual code-development, it better gets together! This update is full of tiny new things, improvements and as mentioned in last couple of updates: MANY fixes!
A lot of new planet graphics, new creature-dna, and I locked up the Astronaut character! You’ll have to unlock it, and I’m not telling you how — don’t worry, you’ll figure it out!
Last Thursdays video isn’t as much a devlog as it is just a tiny look into a developers head as he is trying to wrap up work on a year long project! No biggy, check it out:
Full changes list:
- added: “artifacts found” to “continue” screen
- added: “fruit” to the visor resources
- added: drop item if grabbed by Slurper plants
- added: logo added to snapshots
- added: back-key to exit snapshot mode
- added: 2nd “hot” planet soundtrack
- added: new tilesets
- added: KS Backer planet-names
- added: make “flowers” static on some planets (tileset based)
- added: time of day is now visualised with a sundial (since days can be any length, this might be more clear)
- added: Astronaut character now an “unlockable” character
- added: “freeplay unlocked” information box
- added: astronaut-unlock elements and dialogs
- added: new creature bodies
- added: DNA life-form scanning now a progress-bar. Requires player to stay near the subject
- added: sting-wasps from the egg-nests
- added: map-view of the planet on load-game screen
- added: hologram info speech (after hologram)
- done: moved all text to file for localisation
- changed: level-generator rules
- changed: improved generator images
- changed: less darkness when raining
- changed: less frequent switch between rain/no-rain
- fixed: craft-knowledge (when just 1) not centered
- fixed: crash bug when holding an item and being grabbed by eating plant
- fixed: pushing/grabbing blocked by “less important” actions
- fixed: some spawn spots for proc-creatures
- fixed: Electentacle can now be passed when it’s not in “electrified” state
- fixed: design bug in some areas with spikes – not being escapable
- fixed: shading on console pillars
- fixed: connector-switch overriding other events when nearby
- fixed: can’t make oil burn (torch nor phaser)
- fixed: ugly rendering corners in tilemap/backdrop
- fixed: moved “marker” on top of echo-pillars down to the “console” on the pillar
- fixed: improved intro (more context, improved text)
- fixed: rain/snow fall starting like horizontal lines
- fixed: single-time spawner triggers would still trigger new spawns
- fixed: don’t spawn arachnid near “generators/fidgets”
- fixed: pdb dialog at a hologram device disappears very fast
- fixed: day-hud was not lined-up with statusbars (Vertically)
- fixed: electro-block doesn’t change itsimage back after it deactivates