Animating the world of Space Grunts and implementing inventory system, a GIF dump

Animating the world of Space Grunts and implementing inventory system, a GIF dump

There are frequently GIF’s created from development stages of the games, just for social media purposes or to share on the Discord! I’ll try to assemble some of the interesting GIFS for a regular Gif.Dev.Dump post on the website.

Here’s last weeks collection of GIF’s from Space Grunts 3 development phase!

Slowly adding animation to the “world” of Space Grunts 3
Main character and enemies share the same animation cycle.. without randomizing the “start” of the animation, we get this breathing-together session in space !
Enemy AI is being created, so we now have them moving about! Still needs lots of work and improvement, but getting there!
Next big task was adding the Inventory, might not look like it, but it took more time than all the other stuff combined!

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