More game development this week, taken straight from the developer’s TODO list and task management, here’s an overview of what has been fixed, changed, updated, improved or generally worked on in the Orangepixel Universe.
This week my main focus has been on the various meta game features and unlockable characters. You’ll be finding and collecting a bunch of things during each mission, all optional, because they are extra on top of the core gameplay.
I’m also glad I came up with a nice solution to unlocking the extra characters.. and some of the credits for this go to my wife Aline for helping me come up with it !
Character unlocking is now also added, collect pieces of clothing (from the Janitor which you can find in the various missions) and once all complete, the character is unlocked and playable!

More stats added to the pause screen, showing your progress in aiming, melee and sneaking skills on-top of the skills of your squad members. The pause screen also shows your progress unlocking the meta features in the current mission. Finally I added the mission-map name at the bottom-right, I’m pretty sure this will come in handy when having to give support!

The whole character unlock code and cycle is now implemented: unlock various clothing parts and pieces for each of the locked characters (3 x10 items).. Once done, and returning to HQ you’ll see this shiny unlocked character token appear!

Full changes list:
RegulatorCity – development change log February 06, 2024 :
- Golden Wrenches
Demo v0.0.55
- added: Double HP, Double+Triple ammo Gold wrenches
- added: Golden wrenches for “Extra cheat” unlocks
- added: Items for unlocking characters
- added: Manual page for Ventilation shafts
- added: Ooze evolution on indoor tileset
- fixed: ventilations show interaction when still hidden under/behind items
- Add notification for new unlocked character
RegulatorCity – development change log February 07, 2024 :
- hack station doesn’t work on group-value system yet
Demo v0.0.55
- added: Focus ring on Building-entry door
- added: new Bank map
- change: Medikits now go into inventory (instead of instant-use)
- changed: made fire-area’s collision detection “fairer”
- fixed: action-circle underneath explosive-placement is too far from wall
- fixed: Rooftop entrance has enemies standing on air (floating too high)
- fixed: squad getting too close to lasers
- added: Show Area-Map name on pause-screen
RegulatorCity – development change log February 08, 2024 :
Demo v0.0.55
- added: mission name on pause menu
- added: Player skill-stats to pause screen
- added: subtle light circle indicating your stealth/visibility
- changed: DNA pod should only function at H.Q. (appears in some buildings)
- changed: moved DNA pod room in HQ closer to helicopter / missing return entrance
- changed: Notifications should also appear on mission result
- fixed: 3rd Character-unlock items stay in inventory
- fixed: Building access door still shows attention circle after mission
- fixed: Explosives can still be placed in a secret/hidden area
- fixed: hack station doesn’t work on group-value system yet
- fixed: Instructions for DNA enhancer pod is outdated
- fixed: Intelligence missions can take place in secret rooms
- fixed: Janitor can be hidden in secret area
- fixed: Morphin power stays on when activated and completing an extraction
- fixed: Not all notification descriptions fit, dialog can be bigger
- fixed: Security code sometimes missing a digit
- fixed: Squad stats don’t fit when obtained skills
- fixed: Water from extinguisher makes grenade dropping sound
- various optimizations in skipping entities and rendering
- Add K9 for smaller places and “sniffing”
- add pressure-switches – what if no squad members alive?
RegulatorCity – development change log February 09, 2024 :
Demo v0.0.54
- fixed: Some NPC dialog showed up as manual instructions
Demo v0.0.55
- Added: (testing) slowmotion to aiming grenades for a few seconds
- Added: K9 for smaller places and “sniffing”
- Added: notification for new unlocked character
- added: pressure plate switches
- Added: unlock “x/10” to character select screen
- fixed: Enemies can’t be hurt during their Taunt
- Add a throwing-animation frame to enemies with molotov or bombs
- add auto-aim message to first time players (with mouse+keyboard)