More game development this week, taken straight from the developer’s TODO list and task management, here’s an overview of what has been fixed, changed, updated, improved or generally worked on in the Orangepixel Universe.
There are a bunch of little mini-games in Regulator City, they take like 5-10 seconds and work as a nice distraction to the shooting. However this data-collection game was just “press a button to get 100%” and felt unwhelming compared to the others. So now it’s a little “simon says” type thing, much better!

A new mini game added, once you disable security camera’s you can cut the wire and make sure they don’t turn back on!

Since I just implemented Load/Save code into Regulator City, it was copy+paste for the interface thingies to get it all up and running pretty quickly in Gauntlet of Power!

In preparation of porting it to Switch, the gamepad instruction rendering is already being added to Gauntlet of Power

Achievements are being added to Gauntlet of Power, decided to build an in-game interface for them, so that even on devices like Switch or Atari VCS it will be possible to go achievement hunting! – And I’ll of course be copying+pasting all this functionality into Regulator City 😏

Unlock notification

This is one of the last and big bugs in the game.. Shellies push themselves/each-other outside the dungeon boundaries, making the level uncompletable !

Added more information to the Gauntlet of Power codex. Now weapons, union-weapons and combo-weapons are included. Alongside extra enemies/monsters that were still missing.

Using the same layout as Gauntlet of Power, the achievements in Regulator City are being worked on simultaneously

Full changes list:
RegulatorCity – development change log February 17, 2024 :
Demo v0.0.56
- changed: weapon-crate rune now only shows AFTER player picks up weapon
- add “wire-cutting” mini-task to turned-off security cameras
- blue-print should also indicate Ventilation location (and higher spawn-rate)
- don’t make AI place latest detonator (triggers level-timer, player might want to circle back)
- make Squad AI move front and shoot when player is carrying something else than a weapon
- objects above ventilation should be easier to destroy (especially cars)
- some cars have research, but don’t give items
RegulatorCity – development change log February 18, 2024 :
- max HP after dna upgrade still bugs out to 6hp sometimes after loading
- regenerating/cloning new team member after death, shows wrong 1 out of x number
- secret doors shouldn’t guide path to buttons
RegulatorCity – development change log February 20, 2024 :
- TIK TOK ideas
- fixed: secret doors shouldn’t guide path to buttons
Devbuild 0.0.57
- added: “wire-cutting” mini-task to turned-off security cameras
- added: Improved intel-gathering mini task
- added: Level “name” to level-editor
- changed: Blueprint item now visible in HUD
- changed: K9 unit is shown at center of radial-inventory button
- changed: Radial inventory now requires button press to select item
- fixed: A7M2 – removed hidden ventilation to open required door
- fixed: don’t make AI place latest detonator (triggers level-timer, player might want to circle back)
- fixed: Inventory rendering artifacts when near screen-edges)
- fixed: regenerating/cloning new team member after death, shows wrong 1 out of x number
- fixed: some cars have research, but don’t give items
- added: blue-print item now also shows indicator for Ventilations
- changed: objects above/near secret ventilation is now easier to destroy (especially cars)
- make Squad AI move front and shoot when player is carrying something else than a weapon
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log February 21, 2024 :
- Add intermission screen between dungeons (save point)
- added: Show levelled-up images of weapons in Gauntlet interface
- Too easy to collect many blue/purple gems.. set limit? or increase coin-droprate (also increase shop prices)
- added: Activated Forged card now shown on pause screen
- Added: interface sounds for navigation
- added: Loading and Saving game progression (Between levels)
- added: Non-critter enemies added to the Codex
- added: Spawn animation to Shellies and Choompa’s
- added: Special effect to usage of Book of Darkness
- added: Special effect to usage of Hourglass
- added: Special effect to usage of Lamp of Shinies
- changed: Wishlist link now opens Steam app, instead of website
- fixed: Crash bug on Codex when using mouse
- update: Framework DesktopPreferences saving functionality
- update: Framework loading icon+message status
RegulatorCity – development change log February 21, 2024 :
Devbuild 0.0.57
- changed: Glasswalls now properly solidified for movement
- changed: improved detection of pressure plates
- changed: Meta unlock number-increase now happens visually, instead of before showing it
- changed: Ooze-progression in-doors looks messy on top of walls (now only walls)
- changed: Ooze-progression removed from HQ
- changed: Removed constant spawning of ammo-boxes in HQ (save/load cheat)
- fixed: Blocking-bug in A6M0
- fixed: Dog-sniffing quest in A6M0
- fixed: max HP after dna upgrade still bugs out to 6hp sometimes after loading
- Create new gameplay-video/teaser/trailer
- Improve some of the NPC/dialog avatar art
RegulatorCity – development change log February 22, 2024 :
- fixed: Wrench triggers as weapon-rune
- Implement Switch Controller rendering/instructions (see GoP)
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log February 22, 2024 :
- Add combo and union unlock-info to Codex (and item to unlock such info)
- Add intermission screen between dungeons (save point)
- Add stats: weapons+levels, kills, collected loot, collected items,
- optionally split up Switch ZR/R and ZL/L button mapping visuals
- rebalance spawn-rate/early-level for some creatures
- added: Achievement interface to options menu
- added: first batch of achievements to unlock
- added: Switch gamepad layout and naming
- fixed: Dungeon # in loadgame select is incorrect
- fixed: Loadgame doesn’t reload tileset
- fixed: Made the pickup-flare effect more effective/visual
- fixed: Save game remains after death
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log February 23, 2024 :
- Make unlock runes/events appear with more info center-screen (see RegCity)
- added: combo and union unlock-info to Codex (and item to unlock such info)
- added: intermission screen between dungeons (save point)
- added: Sorting order to achievement list
- fixed: Boss pool status not correctly saved/loaded
- fixed: Continue on intermission should wait until ‘game saved’ message is gone
- fixed: Game crashed on level-up after creating a magic+arrow union
- fixed: Intermission shows wrong dungeon number
- fixed: Item-spawns pools aren’t properly saved, items respawn after loading
- fixed: Load game puts first room into complete state
- fixed: Muddy big art has rendering artifact
- fixed: Shellies go out of bounds/level area
- fixed: Shelly king hit-flash still buggy/incorrect
RegulatorCity – development change log February 23, 2024 :
Devbuild 0.0.57
- added: Achievements interface and code handling
- balancing: Made head-shots easier
- changed: Enemy Molotov/Bombs aren’t thrown on headshots/take-downs
- fixed: Wrench triggers as weapon-rune
- Add some sort of Final mission end-animation
- Difficulty (killing enemies) feels off in later levels
- Research option for boss-fights/challenge levels