More game development this week, taken straight from the developer’s TODO list and task management, here’s an overview of what has been fixed, changed, updated, improved or generally worked on in the Orangepixel Universe.
I had to start the week with some work on Gauntlet of Power! In the lead up to release and Steam Next fest in June, I’m working on a brand new demo of Gauntlet of Power (so much improved over current Steam demo, it’s crazy!) – Now implementing the end of demo screen to tease players into checking out the full game. Might actually also do this demo version for the Switch 🤔

After having the demo up and running, it was time to dive back into Regulator City, and I had implemented “modifiers” at various stages of the two year development, but each of those options was slowly removed because they weren’t working. Modifiers are tiny changes or alternate bonuses that you can get as a player for a mission. With the current way the game’s progression is functioning, I figured it would be interesting to give modifiers another try and in another shape and form!
The new modifiers for Regulator City are now fully implemented. For now, most of them are “pre-mission” and only two are post-mission (rewards). So I have to come up with some interesting ones for more of those! You pick these “tactical advantages” before you enter your mission, and I think I can expand a bit more on this system in the next few weeks. First let’s see if this actually adds some value to the gameplay!

And it’s about time to see if I can get the Sewers working again.. haven’t looked at this part of the game for more than a year! Time to spice it up a bit and get it back up and running. The art was originally done WAAAAAY back in 2021 when DMac was still interning and did a lot of the graphics. Back then I figured it would be cool to have different ways of entering buildings besides just the street view. So we added a roof-top and a sewers version.. but over time, the sewers version was somewhat neglected (the way it has to generate enemies, the speed-boat code wasn’t working anymore, etc).
But it looks just TOO good to now have it in the game, so here we go!

Full changes list:
RegulatorCity – development change log February 24, 2024 :
- Fire extinguisher shoots through walls/doors when standing near them
- Furniture with peeps should be in destroyable (and don’t hide items)
- Laser in A4M0 blocks squad from moving down to corridor (scare-area is too big)
- True leader achievement should happen when back in HQ with level4 team member
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log February 27, 2024 :
- added: Demo build locks and disabled settings
- added: Proper Demo-ending screen
- added: Rune-unkock now shows big version and info on what you unlocked
- changed: Flame and aggressive flames now have a different look
- changed: Gave Rune of Fire blue-flames
- fixed: After deleting save-game, that action also starts a new game
- fixed: bugs with union weapons not correctly upgrading
- fixed: Silver chest is sometimes shown on radar in vertical rooms, but doesn’t appear there
- fixed: Some creatures show shadow while not visible (pre-spawn state)
RegulatorCity – development change log February 27, 2024 :
RegulatorCity – development change log February 28, 2024 :
- squad-distance indicator is rounded-down too much
Devbuild 0.0.57
- Add mission modifiers
- changed: combo-functionality of laserpasses,hackstation and lasers
- changed: maps to work with new laser/hackstation functionality
- fixed: achievement and squad notifications shouldn’t show up at the same time
- fixed: Fire extinguisher shoots through walls and water drops bounce
- fixed: Furniture with peeps should be in destroyable (and don’t hide items)
- fixed: input setup screens for new resolution
- fixed: Laser in A4M0 blocks squad from moving down to corridor (scare-area is too big)
- fixed: new character unlock now happens back in HQ
- fixed: wire cutting task has no indication of where/what/how
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log February 29, 2024 :
- Deleting savegame starts a new one with same button press
RegulatorCity – development change log February 29, 2024 :
- Golden Wrenches
Devbuild 0.0.57
- added: 4 more achievements
- added: Final Gold-Wrench upgrades hidden and activated
- added: Gold wrench unlock text
- added: new map A6M1 (Park area)
- added: show Gold Wrench unlock name/info (see GoP for code)
- changed: Take down tutorial should be manual-based, not in “intro area”
- changed: Updated few maps with proper DNA Kit hiding spots
- fixed: Lasers/hackstation in A7M0 need fixing for new code
- fixed: Rain was disabled (oops!)
- fixed: reset tutorials now properly resets all manual popups
- fixed: spawn-chance on dog-entry points wasn’t taken into account
- fixed: squad-distance indicator is rounded-down too much
RegulatorCity – development change log March 01, 2024 :
- “noise generating device” text is too long (and maybe not needed?)
- squad-offscreen in South direction is not correctly shown
Devbuild 0.0.57
- added: Parallax to street-backdrops
- added: Sewer entrance to missions