More game development this week, taken straight from the developer’s TODO list and task management, here’s an overview of what has been fixed, changed, updated, improved or generally worked on in the Orangepixel Universe.
This week my focus was a bit all over the place as shown in the logs below. Hopping between various games making tweaks and changes left and right. I decided to dive back into a couple of older games and see if I could push some interesting updates to them.
First up was Space Grunts 2 where I mostly wanted to change the way the level shows and modify how the fog of war worked in that game. I also updated the game to proper font rendering and pushed a new build into the Steam beta branch just to play test a bit and make sure I didn’t break anything!
While in space I figured it was a good time to hop into Residual and push some stuff that were on my list for a few years now.
Fun jumping back into the world of Residual.. actually found myself roaming around a planet for a bit instead of working 😄
New radar is now pretty cool, showing you where you’ve been, it’s bigger, clearer, and more useful.

Also cleaned up the planet-selection screens, with some color coding.. making it all easier on the eyes and instantly clear.
I’ll also make “select your planet” a default mode after a player started their first planet, so you don’t need to unlock Free Travel runes to unlock this mode (which required many hours of gametime I guess)

Now I just need to figure out what the purpose of the hyper gate is, because it used to unlock free play mode!
Full changes list:
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log March 25, 2024 :
- changed: lowered HP chance on Vampiristic modifier
- changed: Made Fire creatures drop less lasting burn-spots (less chaos, slightly easier for player)
- changed: Some unclear mouse controls on level-up screen
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log March 26, 2024 :
- add some indication to “auto activated” items in hud
- added: version number on settings menu bug/test/feedback info
- added: Electrified weapons will “repair” after a dungeon
- changed: “mini”boss spawns in small rooms now only happen in later area’s
- changed: balance creature energy based on player being at level-1 XP
- changed: boss-energy needs bit more balancing towards player’s strength
- changed: Electrified weapons will now jam 30% of time (was 100%)
- changed: Hunger requires more gems – was still over powered
- fixed: boss energy bar needs to fill up faster at spawn
- Setup Playtest event for balance testing (Steam Playtest, steamkeys,discord)
- Upload new DEMO to Steam
RegulatorCity – development change log March 26, 2024 :
- changed: removed HQ “room” info boxes
Devbuild 0.0.60
- changed: improved main character sprites
- fixed: weird rendering artifacts (white lines) appearing
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log March 27, 2024 :
- changed: End boss fight less grindy
- changed: End boss shows extra status-progress for various phases
- changed: Gave various boss fights a “rage attack” targetting player (counter balance easy ranged-kills)
- changed: Loot get’s little time-boost when player is in “Pickup” moment
- changed: Lowered quest targets
- changed: made Cap Bones less tedious/grinding to kill
- fixed: Combo weapons can be placed in all slots once unlocked
- fixed: Crash issue in Level-up
- fixed: Delete save game after completing end-fight
- fixed: End Boss bar overlays boss text
SpaceGrunts II – development change log March 27, 2024 :
SG 2 v2.0.0
- added: Fist card will be usable if no weapons available
- changed: Default keys now set to WASD (instead of arrow keys)
- changed: Graphics and light clean-up
- fixed: Mouse pointer vanishes in full-screen
SpaceGrunts III – development change log March 28, 2024 :
- Gameplay Concept
RegulatorCity – development change log March 28, 2024 :
- General gave “tutorial” speech when using DNA pod for first time? (not sure if that triggered it)
- Level A3M0 – flow isn’t good with lasers in early room, and fire-extinguisher missing in final room
- when “sneaking” and then shooting, the sneak even should be aborted, and enemy warned
Devbuild 0.0.60
- fixed: Light-engine rendering bug (causing all lights to render different)
- fixed: Tact Advantage doesn’t fully fit on screens
- fixed: Weapon-locker instructions keep popping up from General in HQ
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log March 28, 2024 :
- Mimic replacing Silver chests at later levels
- fixed: Light-engine rendering bug (causing all lights to render different)
SpaceGrunts II – development change log March 29, 2024 :
- Walls don’t have proper floor tile, seen when player standing behind it and it turns 50% alpha
SG 2 v2.0.0
- fixed: Cleaned up all Codex/Stat screens
- fixed: Daily run button text doesn’t fit
- fixed: Explodable wall has wrong art in tricorder dialog
- fixed: Give more ambient light to the levels
- fixed: Leaderboard text doesn’t fit
- fixed: Proper Steam login
- pushed v2.0.1 to Steam Beta branch
Residual – development change log March 29, 2024 :
- added: Restore dnascanner and blazer (if missing) when returning to spaceship
- Possibly make pets less likely to run after player has been petting them (the type)
- added: Creatures will drop Fruit seeds
- added: Dilithium on the scanner
- added: Fruit seeds, can be planted to grow fruit on any planet
- added: Planet-selection is now available by default (no more Travel Runes needed)
- added: Upgraded radar screen (bigger and more useful)
- changed: cleaned up Travel Agency screen
- fixed: Lit-up glucobombs now show “place” info instead of “backpack”
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log March 29, 2024 :
- Add a golden-key room check (happened only once that no boss key was found)