More game development this week, taken straight from the developer’s TODO list and task management, here’s an overview of what has been fixed, changed, updated, improved or generally worked on in the Orangepixel Universe.
Been working on a new interface screen that allows you to assign skill-points to your team member. This was a “random” event where the player had no control over which skills were assigned or upgraded, so now we give you that freedom to train your NPC members.
Still have to figure out how the Skill items will be handed out or given.. and if they have a set order, or player can select in any order.

Non NPC’s will level-up based on what they do during missions (take out enemies, etc). But besides those you will be able to pickup Training manuals for extra skill-point credits and now also Specialist manuals which will allow you to unlock a specialty skill for your team member

Collected skill credits can be used when your team member levels-up during fights/missions. With the player now able to pick which specialty the team member gets and in which order you unlock them.. Bit of a work figuring this all out and building it, but think the result was worth it!

Full changes list:
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log July 13, 2024 :
- Cap’n’bones knife should hammer down more often
- Cocoon sometimes bugs out when destroyed
- Floor spikes are not restored when reentering a room
- Floor switches are reset when resetting the room
- Make cocoon spawn more critters
- Make critter energy take into account players power (like bosses, but less)
- fixed: missing shadow on player
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log July 14, 2024 :
- Floorswitch doesn’t keep room doors closed
- Using Compass doesn’t store room state
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log July 15, 2024 :
- Cocoon die animation sometimes stalls
- Add a way to “break” weapons requiring an upgrade or fix
- added: Make cocoon spawn more critters
- Doctor D.D. Ealer
- balancing: wizard dodge/slowmo slightly shorter
- changed: less chance of empty-corridor rooms
- fixed: Cap’n’bones knife should hammer down more often
- fixed: Codex totals on main-screen aren’t correct (does achievement unlock?)
- fixed: Floor spikes are not restored when reentering a room
- fixed: Floor switches are reset when resetting the room
- fixed: Floorswitch doesn’t keep room doors closed
- fixed: Monk room has obstacles when returning to it
- fixed: Using Compass doesn’t store room state
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log July 16, 2024 :
- Difficulty needs lowering
- Forged card Heart didn’t unlock when King Loot said it would
- fixed: Difficulty not shown in character art
- fixed: Hit count blinking not showing
- fixed: Steam Cloud-save
RegulatorCity – development change log July 16, 2024 :
- after Alpha fallen (level 1), squad member doesn’t revive on a new game
- fixed: OozedLamps can be out of bounds
- Some enemies get into an “alerted” loop and trigger an annoying soundeffect because of it
Devbuild 0.0.64
- added: Ooze-possessed furniture
- changed: Updated HQ layout to new squad-setup
- added: make P1 location on map blink
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log July 17, 2024 :
- fixed: Forged card Heart didn’t unlock when King Loot said it would
RegulatorCity – development change log July 17, 2024 :
Devbuild 0.0.64
- added: Specialist-manuals to upgrade your team member
- added: Squad member skill-upgrade interface and flow
- added: Tactical manual pickups for extra level-up credits
- added: Training and Specialist modifier rewards
- fixed: Shown dialog status wasn’t saved correctly in saveGame
- Make “master key” active when picked up – opening all locked doors silently
- Mission: Behind enemy lines, save a soldier, he will be part of your squad for duration of the mission
RegulatorCity – development change log July 18, 2024 :
Devbuild 0.0.64
- changed: all vaults can now be opened.. some will be empty
- changed: non-mission vaults now also use Vault hacking Task
- fixed: after Alpha fallen (level 1), squad member doesn’t revive on a new game
Devbuild 0.0.65
- refactored for local co-op implementation
Heroes Of Loot 3 – development change log July 19, 2024 :
- added: Doctor Pill
- changed: Block XXL creatures from spawning in small rooms
- fixed: Floor spikes are not restored when reentering a room
- added: cobwebs – slow down player
- added: Difficulty select
- added: Extra stats to map screen
- added: Floor switches
- added: Floor-switch room layouts
- added: Make cocoon spawn more critters
- added: room variations
- balancing: lowered wizard initial loot-magnet attraction
- balancing: slight increase in critter hp
- balancing: small change in player XP increase levels
- balancing: small change in Wizard + Warrior initial movement speed
- balancing: wizard dodge/slowmo slightly shorter
- changed: less chance of empty-corridor rooms
- changed: small changes in player-collision box
- fixed: missing shadow on player
- fixed: Monk room has obstacles when returning to it
- fixed: Using Compass doesn’t store room state