Full time Independent game developer since 2004 at Orangepixel, playing games since 1984.
Full time Independent game developer since 2004 at Orangepixel, playing games since 1984.
The start of a new system for the game: procedurally generated life-forms / creatures.. it’s an interesting first attempt, let’s see what this will grow into in the coming weeks!
#residualA fairly small update, as I struggle with a new operating system and key combinations to learn. We do have new planet graphics !
#residualBig mommy Arachnid shows up in the game world, alongside a bunch of new devices to create and use!
#residualReplacing the darker tones in the interface with more bright tones.. and building a proper mission/tutorial system
#residualA new and improved visor is added, more creatures to fill up the planet, and let’s talk about that Kickstarter campaign!
#residualSpace Grunts is the next game to get improved gamepad support on PC. So grab the game, grab your controller, and start your quest!
#spacegruntsNew life forms added, a cool way to crashland on a planet like a pro, and a long list of fixes and improvements in this weeks update!
#residualResidual now has a demo and is on Kickstarter! It also comes with a completely new planet added to the procedural rotation this week.
#residualA standard Orangepixel Games creature gets it’s first appearance in Residual, and the whole mining code and usability get’s a front-row seat as part of gameplay.
#residualLet’s add some teleportation to the game, and improve the whole gameplay flow for players who have no clue what they are getting themselves into! – aka : tutorial stuff.
#residualFinally added Portrait mode support to the game on mobile devices.. it’s been a big undertaking to get all the interface screens correct, but it’s here!
#spacegrunts2A small update this week, as I try to keep the game stable for a “full release” leaving Early Access on Steam soon!
#spacegrunts2A funny and harmless math-bug showed up for the “completed objectives” percentage. And while fixing that, I dove into more areas of the code and fixed a bunch of little bugs all over!
#snakecoreNo new things in this update, but a solid amount of fixes and problem removal. Which is best done without adding new stuff to the mix.. so make sure to update to this build !
#spacegrunts2New level building blocks added, some pretty scenery and I dug myself into the code for some fixes to the most random and extremely rare bugs!
#spacegrunts2A mix and match of different tiny updates done in recent weeks on the different platforms. This update brings all versions together again!
#snakecoreA couple of new rooms added to the blue-door room rotation. And a small change to the layout of the fruit-rooms!
#spacegrunts2A short but still sweet update this week with the addition of three new cards, and a small modification to an existing card
#spacegrunts2Brush up your codex skills, because you might find yourself hunting a certain species, to gain the exit-door key! Pesky aliens!
#spacegrunts2A new random event is added to the game, and a new alternate route can be found called the Crawlspace, which will hide the rare Card Printer card!
#spacegrunts2We finally found some friendly faces around the space station in the shape of helpful NPC’s.. Go find them, as they might literally have the key to your progress ;)
#spacegrunts2A couple of new aliens are roaming the planet, one of which might actually blind you for an X amount of turns! So be careful out there captain!
#spacegrunts2This week a small collection of new cards is introduced, including two passive cards that might come in handy with all that rotten fruit and diseases flying around these days ;)
#spacegrunts2We’re moving into release state with this version and all the “last minute” tweaks and improvements added in the last few days!
#snakecoreRoaming those hallways will now be more interesting, as you might need to find some data-cards and operate the new terminals dotted around the space base to activate the exit!
#spacegrunts2A lot of new graphics, polish, intro and tutorial animations in this weeks update as we’re VERY close to a first release version.
#snakecoreCaptain, we discovered new life-forms on the planet. We also upgraded the teleporters with more functionality, and laid down some more rules for those Tornado’s !