Standard #
Image | Name | Description |
Small medikit | +3 increase to your health. | |
Big medikit | +5 increase to your health. | |
Small shells | +4 Shells | |
Big shells | +8 shells | |
Frags | +1 Rocket / Frags | |
Big plasma | +4 Plasma | |
Crowbar | Crowbar melee weapon | |
Ammo box | Ammo box, increase various ammo: +(1-5) shells +(1-5) Frags +(1-5)Plasma |
Gaia | Ancient statue, it will revive you after death. |
Consumables #
Image | Name | Description |
small absorber | Absorbs random hit-points (max: half damage, minimum: 0pts) | |
shot doubler | Doubles your weapon shots. | |
mobile emp | A short duration EM pulse, disables all robotic lifeforms. | |
bionics | +6 on your max HP, and completely refills your HP. | |
big absorber | Absorbs random hit-points (max: full damage, minimum: 0pts) | |
regeneration | Regenerates your health fully | |
triple shot | Triple shot | |
teleporter | Beam out to latest active beacon | |
invisibility | Alien tech, makes you invisible for others. | |
small timewarp | Warp time around you, allows you to do multiple turns | |
grunt boots | Protect against alien goo | |
home beacon | Used for spawning reinforcement and creating a safe spot. | |
techmine | Alien DNA based explosive, damages only aliens around you. | |
datacard | Find a cpu to access it. | |
CLR mine | Cleaner mine, only triggered by alien DNA walking onto it. | |
berzerker gun | Deals a lot of damage, costs a lot of ammo | |
gas mask | Works great against radiation. | |
RC drone | Radio controlled explosive-bot. | |
flamethrower | Make it hot! | |
decoy duck | Old toys working great as decoy | |
ancient orb: atlas | Reveals the full map. | |
ancient orb: detox | Removes all sorts of radiation. | |
ancient orb: extender | Doubles active item duration. | |
adrenaline | Temporarily adds extra life force | |
tricorder | Detect life forms and energy |
Rare items #
Image | Name | Description |
big timewarp | Warp time around you for longer time, allows you to do multiple turns | |
alien artifact | Weird alien artifact (allows you to enter ancient alien passages) | |
battle suit | Improves fire power and acts as shield. | |
super regen | Continously regenerates your health until it runs out. | |
luck amulet | Increases your luck skills. | |
hack key | Shuts down security systems on a level, needs a cpu to activate. | |
tech manual | Increases your technology skills. | |
sonic tool | A screwdriver, will fix damaged items. | |
space cube | Interdimensional storage space – increases your inventory space. | |
detector | Can detect weapon upgrades | |
detector | Can detect hidden rooms | |
detector | Can detect spider nests | |
portalus | Creates an anomaly / portal to an ancient temple. |