Special Move #
Morph has a fairly basic but highly useful quick dash as special move. The dash reactivates very quickly, so it can be used almost continuously. Allowing you to dash around the enemies, or get out of harms way.
During the dash you are invulnerable, so it’s also very effective if you are low on health and in a bit of a bad situation!
Super Ability #
Where the dash has a very short cycle, Morph’s super ability is useful for a much longer period. Once you powered up your super ability, you will be able to MORPH you and your team to look like any random enemy.
This is a great way to complete your mission almost undetected as you mingle with the various enemies and can walk passed camera’s without being noticed.
Downside is that you lose the ability to use your weapon, but the upside is that it becomes fairly easy to get close to enemies and take them out in a more personal way!