Gunslugs: Rogue Tactics – update v1.0.10 small maintenance update
Minor maintenance update for all platforms (iOS, Android and PC) fixing a couple of rare bugs and adding a couple of new level blocks.
Minor maintenance update for all platforms (iOS, Android and PC) fixing a couple of rare bugs and adding a couple of new level blocks.
Two very important bug fixes, one fixing a lot of “budget” Android devices not being able to run the game beyond a black screen. The other bug fixing a problem with missions not being able to complete (or taking a LOT of levels)
A short list of maintenance bug features, preparing the game for next Tuesday’s Android release!
The game is now available (on iOS) ! And a much overdue list of fixes, changes and improvements.. seems like I skipped a few versions in these blog-updates!
Trucks, guard-towers, sticky bombs and manual aiming are just some of the new things in this build. And that’s not even mentioning all the improvements on the “old” things in the game!
Combining two big updates into one! Redesigning the way skills work and the whole skill interface, and of course a huge amount of fixes, changes and improvements!
Let’s just release this build already, because the “change list” is overflowing! Final update before this game goes in a public-beta! so check what’s changed, new and improved!
Another flow to the game, new missions, new items, shops and even some new graphics. Not a bad couple of weeks working on the game. Read more for the biggest changes, and a full list of bug fixes and additions.
Closing in on an actual release, this update comes with a huge list of little fixes, the much overdue skill-point interface, AND… AND: SNAKES! .. testing them out, they crawl out of crates in some of the worlds, so be careful!
Security cameras, C4-detonators, a time-machine and mushrooms! This build is full of awesomeness so make sure to check it out ASAP!
Lens-flares, improved character skills, and a large amount of gameplay tweaks and even improved Ninjas in this new build!
A new mission-structure, missions and a mission-select screen.. I bet you can figure out what this update is all about! Yup, MISSIONS !
An inventory screen is introduced, yet another status-bar change, taking-down enemies is now the coolest thing in the game, AND there are a bunch of tower-objectives added and improved.
More improvements to enemy-code, few more stealth features like hiding behind objects and tapestries. Some new features for the objectives like hackable terminals and hostages, and a bunch of interface improvements.
I keep saying it with every update, but this is REALLY the biggest update so far! Adding a lot of stealthy/tactical features to the game, improving all areas of the game and generally making the game a lot more playable!
So many new things added, so many changes, fixes and improvements. The list is very long on this one, but it’s well worth the extra weeks wait.
Adding a bunch of different shoe types to the game, for special abilities, a dog-toy, and a bunch of new pop-up stores.. Also improved all the fighting and added a bunch of cinematic sweetness to the game presentation. Come check it out!
New destroyable scenery, extra environmental hazards, new enemies and a LOT of tweaks and fixes in this weeks update.
Rotating heads, improved shooting and a lot more tactical gameplay features added to the game in this weeks update!
We now have jetpacks to fly with, cartboard boxes to hide in, and the Hell world is added to the game. A lot of things in a much overdue update, so take v0.0.8 for a test-drive !
The first batch of pop-up stores are added to the game, along with some minor bug-fixes.
A week later, but v0.0.6 is full of content, as there is literally a bunch of extra content in the game and gameplay features and improvements. So check the full change list, and grab your copy from the download link!
Start of adding shops, more usage out of melee weapons, and a lot of little gameplay tweaks and changes.
New weapons, tweaked weapons, and a new inventory system all in this awesome weekly update.
Wall climbing, ventilation shafts, head-jumping and crate pushing.. they are now all contributing to a more entertaining core gameplay experience.
A redesign of the world graphics started this week, the game gets a more vibrant look in line with the original Gunslugs’ games.
A weekly Development-copy of Gunslugs: Rogue Tactics while it’s in development for the coming months. For $2+ Patreons!